caz sharman-robertson

Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

MSc Personalised Nutrition, mBANT, regCNHC

I believe in evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle intervention strategies to support fertility, pregnancy, post-natal wellbeing and children. I understand how conflicting and anxiety-inducing advice can be on your journey to parent-hood, with unsolicited opinions and mixed-messages from social-media.

Dietary and lifestyle support in the field of fertility, pregnancy, post-natal wellbeing, and children, can be overwhelming and emotional for new and future parents, and I am committed to shining a light on evidence-based recommendations to support these life-stages and offer reassurance.

I struggled with my own fertility journey, which has provided me with a highly sympathetic baseline to support my clients as they embark on their own journeys.

I strongly believe in providing the best nutritional start possible for babies, and the latest research suggests that this begins before conception.

Once women give birth, some may feel lost and unsupported with their health and wellbeing; I am passionate about providing them with information and kindness to empower them to look after themselves and their families.

My qualifications and professional memberships

Masters in personalised nutrition (4 years)

I began studying while I was experiencing infertility, and then continued through my daughter’s newborn days until April 2024 when I passed my dissertation.

My degree covered all aspects of the human body, health conditions and how dietary and lifestyle factors interact synergistically throughout.

Degree Awarded by Middlesex University (London) in collaboration with the Centre for Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management (CNELM) 

Practice diploma (1 year)

I went through a rigorous supervised clinical practice experience, helping four clients with their health goals and supporting them to achieve fantastic results.

Personalised Nutrition Practice Diploma (PNPD) Awarded by the Centre for Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management (CNELM) and accredited by the UK's Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC) in conjunction with the degree awarded by Middlesex University. The PNPD is a Qualifi Endorsed Programme.

Professional bodies

I am a full member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT).

I am registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), which is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA), an independent body accountable to the UK Parliament.

This means I am trained and qualified in clinical practice to meet national standards and work in a one-to-one setting.

The first 1000 days

The first 1000 days (from conception through to a child’s 2nd birthday) are evidenced as the period which has the greatest influence on a child’s long-term health than any other time in their development.

Therefore, my MISSION for Nutrition with Caz is to empower families with evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle information to optimise their health along each stage of the parental journey, and to give the next generation the best nutritional start possible.